Clinical Associate

Requisition Id:  7082
  1. New Admission:
  • To attend any new patient (admission) immediately.
  • To examine & take a proper history of the patient (If he is in a position to give it on his own) or from his relative.
  • Check any previous records, if available.
  • Charts down all the details in the history sheet.
  • Inform the respective consultant about the admission follow his orders.
  • Instruct the nursing staff about the necessary orders to be carried out.
  • If there’s a transfer out of patient from the ICU. Prepare the transfer summary/ clinical notes carefully and act accordingly.
  • Inform the respective consultants whenever seems significant.
  1. Shift Duty:
  • To take rounds and examine individual patients at least once in every shift and as & when needed. Inform the respective consultant/ Registrars if any new findings.
  • To put the notes in clinical sheet.
  • To respond to emergency calls immediately.
  • To enter the relevant details of each and every patient accordingly.
  • Attend rounds with the respective consultants and carry out the necessary changes in the order. Enter them in the treatment sheet.
  • Fill the Medicine Card and Non Drug Order sheet
  • To instruct the nursing staff about orders and follow them up
  • To follow up with all the investigations to be seen and trace their results. Note down investigation results in the investigation sheet.
  • To Document Verbal Orders correctly in clinical notes if given by consultants.
  • To activate code blue if any medical emergency is encountered beyond your control.
  • Always contact primary consultant if found necessary at any point of time.
  • To assist/ perform procedures as per instructions
  1. Discharges/ LAMA/ Death:
  • Prepare summaries according to the policy
  • Fill the medical certificate of cause of death after discussing with ICU In-charge/ Primary consultant
  • Always inform concerned (MLC Nurse/ Casualty In Charge) in case of MLC
  1. Pre Surgical & Post Surgical Patients:
  • To follow pre-operative orders in the treatment sheet. To check whether the consents (Surgical, Anesthesia, etc) for the surgery has been taken from the patient. If not inform the respective person.
  • To get the PAC done. To carry out all the pre-operative orders.
  • Inform the consultant over phone during night shift about patient status who are scheduled for surgery next day.
  • To attend patients complaints. To calm the patients if they are apprehensive. Inform the consultant if needed.
  1. General:
  • To attend camps according to the policy.
  • To work as per Policies and procedures of organization.
  • To get the cross referral form filled and call cross consultants according to the policy.
  • Use capital letters for medicines (Generic Names/ Salt) and always put sign, name, date and time with every entry you make.
  • To take care about completeness of records
  • To act accordingly as per communicated by hospital management team