
Requisition Id:  6887
  • To receive blood samples for grouping and cross matching along with requisition forms wards/PT/labour room and others.
  • To perform emergency duty on rotational basis.
  • To perform grouping of all donors (Voluntary), bleeding of donors, labeling, documenting, storing and issuing blood.
  • Grouping and cross matching of all blood samples for routine and emergency demand from ward ,  operation theatre etc. and issuing matched blood as and when required.
  • Doing RH factor and Coomb’s test wherever required and to maintain the record in the register.
  • To issue infusion sets to all the department, of hospital as demanded.
  • To supervise laboratory attendant in performing his duties.

Candidate Requirements:

  • Able to work accurately and with minimal supervision.
  • Ability to comprehend written instructions given by the related departmental personnel.
  • Ability to plan & organize ones work schedule effectively.
  • Speaking and listening are essential requirements to understand and carry out the instructions given by the supervisors and other related departmental personnel.
  • Affinity to work in team.
  • Enthusiasm.