- To follow FEFCr(First Expiry First Out) method.
- To ensure that all medicines with close expiry date are taken out of the shelf.
- To ensure the prescriptions are honoured in totality. In case any medicine is not available, the pharmacist should ensure to get the required drugs through telephone or by sending someone to procure the drugs.
- To give data of non moving drugs to the In-charge monthly.
- To give list of hurl-available drugs to the In-charge daily.
- To.submit the following documents to the finance department daily.
- IPD Credit bills along with the prescriptions and statement.
- IPD Credit bills along with the prescriptions and statement.
- OT credit Bills along with the prescription.
- Cash bills along with statement.
- credit card settlement.
- To get the pharmacy audited by external auditors on quarterly basis.
- To send indents for replenishment of drugs.
- To generate the indent on the pharmacy store through ROL system, after checking the actual daily requirement.
- To keep IV fluids neatly stacked. To ensure the clarity check is done before dispensing.
- To maintain stocks in order.
- To return all non-moving / breakage's / expiry / damaged drugs to store after approval from the 1n-charge.
- To follow the rules & regulations as required by the Drug Control department.
- To store all drugs and disposables as per the instructions given by the manufacturer.