Resident Medical Officer

Requisition Id:  7128

To attend to and look after all O.P.D, I.P.D. and day care patients registered / admitted under any full time/ Hon./Courtesy consultant.

2. To take morning and evening rounds, (before arrival of consultants) recording the findings of your examination meticulously with date and time on the files and making sure the documentation is complete from all angles.

3. To perform all diagnostic and therapeutic procedures (in consultation with the consultants), record the date, time.of the procedure and the outcome of the procedure.

4. To coordinate with the Pathologist and Radiologist to get the reports in time and enter them in the case sheets.

5. To check the label on the blood bottle for blood group and the cross matching findings before starting blood transfusion.

6. To make sure that opinion of the members of the tumor board is recorded in the file before starting chemotherapy / sending the patient for Radiotherapy or for surgery.

7. To sign prescriptions of all patients and specially those getting drugs and disposables on credit.

8. To make/ edit all discharge summaries and make sure all investigations/ procedures/ drugs/ discharge advice, final diagnosis and all other relevant details are meticulously entered in the discharge summary. Following guidelines for discharge summary must be strictly adhered to:-

9. All discharge files should be completed with name and signature of consultant, resident, provisional and final diagnosis and other details.

10. For credit patients, one has to be doubly sure that all investigations, procedures, drugs are entered properly and nothing is missed out.

11. The attendant should be given discharge prescription to buy the drugs while the discharge papers are being prepared .This will help in including the cost of the drugs in the final bill specially for the credit patient and the attendants do not have to waste additional time at the pharmacy counter, when all other discharge formalities have been completed.

12. To attend to all IPD and casualty patients during night duties in consultation with the consultant in-charge.

13. All serious patient have to be examined by the concerned consultants within minutes of admission / becoming serious. In case the concerned consultant available / cannot come / is on leave, call the second consultant / third consultant same specialty.

14. If none of the medical / surgical / radiation oncologist or particular specialist is available / anesthesiologist can be requested to come and see the patient.

15. To brief next doctor on duty, about every patient, before leaving the hospital.

16. To go through the case files of all discharged patient and make sure all documentation, recording is updated before the file is sent to record & bm

17. To go through the OPD files and make sure all relevant documentation, hores, findings, procedures, date and time of the next appointment are entered before the files are sent out wing of the OPD room.

18. To train nurses and other paramedical staff.

19. To explain the prognosis to the relatives of the patients with a positive attitude.

20. To maintain excellent public relations with all patients, their family members, colleagues seniors and juniors.

21. To motivate attendants to donate additional units of blood so that blood is available during emergencies.

22. To assist the consultants in research projects.

23. To train new CMO and RMO, nurses and other paramedical staff as per the requirement of the patients and the hospital.

24. To make sure that all equipment is in good functional order. In case of any defect in any equipment, inform the management immediately in writing.

25. You will be required to do night duties as per roster.

26. To perform duties as directed by management.

27. To be in overall command of the hospital, after routine hospital timings and solve any problem to the best of your ability. During emergencies or for further advice/ guidance, you may contact the followings:-

  • Concerned Consultants
  • Director

28. Patient getting admitted in allied department the duty RMO in the emergency will be responsible to carry out the initial assessment of the patients and record it in format.